Renewals and new member membership levels and payment
$ 100
Every Year
2022 Membership Year
National and local membership
Networking support and mentoring
Professional development workshops and seminars
Activity discounts
Community and Chapter information
Employment list and Job Bank​
Discounted pricing for State and Regional Conferences
Discounted pricing for National and International Conference
Ability to purchase Professional Liability Insurance (NABSW)
Presenter opportunities at NABSW Annual Conference
Senior (+65)
$ 50
Every Year
2022 Membership Year
National and local membership
Networking support and mentoring
Professional development workshops and seminars
Activity discounts
Community and Chapter information
Employment listing and Job Bank
Discounted pricing for State and Regional conferences
Discounted pricing for National and International conference
Ability to purchase Professional Liability Insurance (NABSW)
Presenter opportunities at NABSW Annual Conference
$ 30
Every Year
2022 Membership Year
Discounted membership for full-time and half-time students
Proof of student status required
Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral level
National and local membership
Networking support and mentoring
Activity discounts
Access to scholarships
Discount for National Conference